Indoor Arena

Are you tired of all this rain and windy weather? Are you tired of getting wet and walking through puddles and mud? Imagine how Irish, Windy, Gus, Shamrock, Donegal, Paddy, Bullet, Dublin, Tika, Ebony, Clancy, Lynda, Emerald, and Clover feel about this! They are not just tired of the muddy swamps of their pastures they are disappointed that we need to cancel program sessions due to the unsafe conditions this rain and nasty weather has caused. Our Horses know how important their work is and they are sad to miss their sessions with their important Partners, our Veterans, Reservists, First Responders, and their Families.
But….the Horses have a solution……build an indoor arena! An indoor arena is a a large building with walls and a roof that protects the arena footing and shields our Participants, Horses, and Staff from the sun and inclement weather of rain, ice, and snow. The issues we face with inclement weather negatively affect our ability to conduct quality sessions and disrupts the healing process.
Please help us meet our goal and raise the necessary funds to build this important structure. Please help us avoid disappointing our Veterans, Service Members, and their Families by needing to cancel sessions due to inclement weather.
We have included a drawing of the indoor arena on this page. Picture our Horses with their Partners in sessions under the beautiful roof, protected from the rain, the sun, it may be hot so the ceiling fans are gently circulating air, it may be dark outside, but no problem the arena lights provide the light we need. Can you see the smiles?
Thank you so very much for your support!