
The Programs of Shamrock Reins have been designed to provide our Participants with the most beneficial therapeutic experience enabling them to develop valuable coping skills to help them deal with the challenges they experience as a result of their service.

Shamrock Reins has developed a variety of Programs. Horses have a unique sense and often know what therapeutic approach is needed for each Participant. Horses react to a Participant’s behavior and help the Participant recognize this behavior without confrontation. The Participant is then able to adjust his/her behavior to achieve the appropriate response from the Horse. By experiencing this, the Participant is then able to recognize his/her feelings and behaviors in other interactions and correct any unhealthy behavior. The Sessions are adapted according to the Participant’s needs.

Social time is included in each Program Session during which homemade meals are served. This time increases social interaction and provides the opportunity for Participants to talk about their Horse experience or their service related experience with other Service Members who understand.

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Equine Assisted Psychotherapy

This program is conducted with weekly Sessions involving challenging ground activities with Horses in the arena. Course obstacles are designed which represent the challenges the Participant is facing in his/her daily life. The Participant will work through the obstacles with the Horse helping the Participant to develop valuable transferrable coping skills. These Sessions are conducted by a licensed Therapist with the assistance of an Equine Specialist and Volunteers.

Therapeutic Horsemanship

This program involves a series of sequential Units conducted in weekly Sessions involving both instruction and activities related to Horse Characteristics and Behaviors, Safety, Bonding with the Horse and Grooming, Leading and Ground Work, Desensitizing, Lunging, Mounted Activities, Extreme Obstacle Course, Trail Walking and Riding, and Drill Teams. Sessions are conducted at each individual Participant’s pace allowing time for Participant to bond with and form a positive relationship with their Horse. Through the Horse/Participant relationship Participants regain trust, increase self-confidence, increase self-esteem, and increase social skills, all of which assist with gaining valuable coping skills. These Sessions are conducted by a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor assisted by Volunteers.

Pre and Post Deployment Sessions

These programs are designed for Active Duty & Reserve Service Members and their Families to provide support in managing and coping with the challenges they face pre and post deployment. Sessions are designed for 1 to 2 days and are flexible to be extended as needed. The Sessions are conducted by a licensed Therapist with the assistance of an Equine Specialist and Volunteers.

Family Support Programs during Deployment

These programs include a variety of sessions designed to support Families during deployment including Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Horsemanship. The Sessions are conducted by a licensed Therapist, Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructors, and Volunteers.

Specialty Workshops

These programs are full-day Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy programs designed to address a specific issue such as Bereavement, Military Sexual Trauma, Anxiety, Trust, Substance Use Disorder, Social Detachment and various other targeted issues. These workshops are offered monthly based on interest and are conducted by a licensed Therapist, an Equine Specialist, and Volunteers.

To participate, please contact us at 215-766-4988 or

Sponsor a Veteran, Service Member, or Program Session